Today was the second day in my whole life that I turned down an invitation to go out to lunch because I realized that my lunch would be way better than anything I would find elsewhere. The first time was yesterday.
Before SparkPeople, even if I did make my own lunch (which was seldom) I would throw it out in a heartbeat in order to go out. Now I make my lunch every day. I have hundreds of these tiny little boxes which I pack with delectable vegetables and salad items that I mix together. I bring greek yogurt to which I add my little box of raw nuts and a small squirt of agave syrup or honey. My salad dressing is to die for. My mouth waters just thinking of Newman's Own Light Lime vinaigrette. Then there are the little boxes of sugars snap peas or carrots and the little container of fresh hummus.
But what beats all of it is my set of sterling silverware that I carry in my lunch bag (it's actually a big tote). I'm not going to find my pattern at any restaurant around. The latest addition is a Jacquard Francais tea towel. I can lay that out and make anyplace look great.
So most of these things I already had, I just re-purposed them.
Everyone has some kind of containers. A pretty tea towel. Some nice flatware or silverware. It doesn't take much for it to seem better than what you'll experience at the usual lunch places where we end up when we haven't brought our lunch...and it keeps you on track and in style!
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