(I'm second from the right)
When I finished the marathon, after 5.5 hours, and right before I drank the first bottle of champagne and ate the little quiches someone brought to me at the finish line from our little neighborhood bakery, I thought to myself: there aren't that many things in life that I ENJOY doing that I would be willing to do for over five hours...(in fact I think you are supposed to contact your physician if you have that much fun for that long). I just did something I hate doing for five hours! Man, am I glad I'm done, and wasn't that fun!
I've resisted starting the new "exercise program" that I should have started with my "nutrition program". There are so many things I'd rather do...like read a bunch of articles, or send emails to the Done birthday girls, or get ready for work, I have shoes to pick out after all...
I just got the two Sparkpeople DVD's that have a bunch of 10 minute workouts on them. (Well, they lie because they make you do a little warmup and a little cool down with the 10 minutes in between, but who's counting other than moi).
I started wondering how many things I didn't like to do, but could stand doing for 10 minutes.
* Folding fitted sheets (I gave this up for Lent)
* Paying bills that can't be automated or paid online
* Cleaning up after a good party
* Grooming a muddy horse
* Flossing
* Changing someone else's baby's diaper
* Wait in line
* Have my legs waxed
You know what? I could do any of the above things for 10 minutes and wouldn't like it. But those 10 minute cardio blast videos with coach Nicole aren't that bad...I actually kinda liked them, the two I did yesterday and today.
Maybe I'll do another one tomorrow...instead of folding the sheets. (The housekeeper can just pull those suckers straight out the dryer.)
But don't count on a marathon movie run of Coach Nicole's greatest hips...