Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Habit @ Your Habitat

I saw the title of one of Bob Wright's lectures  and totally misread it.  In a previous lecture, he had talked about Brian Wansink's book Mindless Eating and about the studies that have been done showing how much our eating is affected by our environs. I think I was also affected by the fact that I had left my prescription glasses at home and wasn't seeing clearly.  Bob was intending to give a lecture about the "Habits of Successful weight loss Managers" but the word I saw was habitat.  It was at that point that I realized that a big piece of my success would be setting up my habitat.  I've begun the process over the last few days. The refrigerator has undergone a renovation and the pantry has been reborn.  I'm working on (and working out in) my basement exercise room.  My plates have shrunk and my crystal has been rearranged so that the tall thin glasses are in front.
What habits does your habitat encourage?


  1. Love this post, Sally! Keep it up! I think I'm going to invest in some of the scoops that we use here to portion out food. I'll have to ask Jen where she gets them.

  2. You can get them at JB Prince. Here is a link to the scoops You have to read the text description to figure out what size they are in ounces.

    I bought mine before I left H3 and have used them every day since!
