Monday, February 22, 2010

Where do Bad Habits Go

I'm figuring out that a lot of this is related to good habits and bad habits. Replacing bad habits with good ones seems to be a great way to make progress, but how can I be sure that the bad ones are really gone. Maybe they are lurking, waiting for a chance to show themselves again.

I suspect after a while, bad habits will wither away and die, but I'm thnking that the 21 days for a good habit to come into being is not the same time table by which we can reliably say the bad one has been put to rest.

Think about it. When you come back from a vacation, it seems that the good habits are the ones you forget. Bad habits aren't forgotten. Being away for a week may mean that I forget my good habit of eating breakfast, but I don't forget to bite my nails! So what gives? Are bad habits more persistant, more resilient?

I've made a lot of progress in the past couple of weeks. Bad habit be gone and beware: I will be vigilant.

Semper Vigilans

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